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âž¡ Where can I find a link to HB 581?

You can access the official text of HB 581 on the Georgia General Assembly's website. Here’s the direct link to the bill.

âž¡ Where can I find past GAAO presentations?

Past GAAO presentations, including those related to HB 581, can be found here on the GAAO Portal.


âž¡ What does TrueRoll mean by End-to-End Homestead Administration, and how is it different from a typical Homestead Audit?

TrueRoll manages the entire homestead process—verifying new applications, reviewing approved exemptions, monitoring eligibility changes, and identifying homeowners who qualify but haven’t applied.
Unlike traditional audits that assume ineligibility equals fraud and focus on maximizing penalties and back taxes, TrueRoll takes a proactive, citizen-first approach. We help counties address ineligible exemptions early, ensuring tax fairness, avoiding penalties, and fostering trust in the community.


âž¡ How long would it take to start working with TrueRoll? We plan to send out notices in May, would we be able to get ahead on reviewing our homesteads before then?


TrueRoll takes weeks, not months, to get up and running. With May as your target, there’s plenty of time to review your homesteads and send out notices. Starting soon will ensure your county achieves the best results.


Need help navigating HB 581? Schedule a call with our experts today!

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