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Customer Success: Ascension Parish

The Ascension Parish Assessor’s Office (APAO) has recently partnered with TrueRoll to leverage its state-of-the-art technology for Proactive Exemption Monitoring and identifying unqualified homestead exemptions across its database of over 36k homestead exemptions.  

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Ascension Parish has joined with several other Louisiana Parishes in using TrueRoll for the shared benefit of their citizens.  Parishes using TrueRoll technology include Livingston, Acadia, Webster, and W. Feliciana with more joining each month.

“Identifying property owners receiving a homestead exemption they do not or no longer qualify for is just as important as properly valuing property. Being fair and equitable includes the proper administration of homestead exemptions.” - Assessor M.J. “Mert” Smiley, Jr., CLA

When qualified, these exemptions typically save a homeowner over $800 per year.  So far, hundreds of unqualified exemptions have been identified and the APAO is on track to recover over $500k in the near term for the pro-rata shared benefit of stakeholders across the parish.  By the end of this year, it is projected that Ascension Parish taxing bodies will receive over $1M in tax revenue that would’ve otherwise gone uncollected from the affected parcels who were unfairly receiving the homestead discount.  Additionally, now that the corrections to the tax roll have been made, Ascension parish stakeholders can expect to continue to receive this new tax windfall for years to come thereby improving outcomes for schools, police, fire and other critical services in this fast-growing parish.

Not content with just fixing the tax roll looking backwards, the APAO has embraced the idea of proactively monitoring the entire tax roll moving forward in order to prevent unqualified exemptions from developing in the first place.  Using TrueRoll’s proprietary monitoring technology, the APAO will now receive real-time notifications of potentially disqualifying events for exemption parcels as they happen which will enable them, for the first time, to correct problems when they happen, not years later which promotes fairness and optimizes the tax roll for the benefit of all citizens.

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