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TrueRoll helps 100+ Governments 
Monitor Homestead Eligibility, Proactively.

Manual Processes. Surprise bills. Lost Revenue. Unclaimed Homestead Exemptions.  


The consequences of not keeping property tax rolls up to date are serious. Occasional audits can’t keep up with the pace of change. TrueRoll enables real-time, automated discovery and removal of unqualified homestead exemptions for your county.


Ensure Fair, Trustworthy Tax Rolls

TrueRoll’s data science and artificial intelligence help uncover both unqualified and unclaimed exemptions with ease. This is a threefold win—local governments can avoid cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly audits, elected officials can discover new revenue, and citizens may discover a previously unknown eligibility for tax benefits.

Delivering Accurate Data to Cook County, IL

"I am excited to have the TrueRoll platform and business model in our office, and I am much less concerned about the validity of our exemption roll in the coming years."


- Chief Data Officer

St. Johns County, FL Uncovers Hundreds of Improper Exemptions

In mere months, TrueRoll identified more than 900 properties with unqualified home exemptions—to the tune of $800,000 in liens. 

A Better Alternative to Occasional Audits for King County, WA

“We need a wide net of information via a data mining resource. This will really enhance our time spent on our investigative process and improve accuracy.”

- Al Dams, Deputy Appraiser

How It Works

Get a short list of unqualified exemptions for further investigation.

TrueRoll breaks down the silos, aggregating data from 1000+ sources—including utilities, voter records, social media, national parcel databases, online rental sites, and more—to identify potential unclaimed or unqualified homestead exemptions. 

All candidates that merit further investigation that are identified by TrueRoll’s carefully curated sources are listed in a single, user-friendly interface, along with details on the parcel’s investigation history and your team’s notes. This makes it easy for your government to follow up with next steps, whether it’s sending a questionnaire to the citizen to gather more information, alerting a resident to a potential tax benefit, or placing a lien on properties to collect any owed back taxes and interest.

TrueRoll How It Works
Here’s the three-step process:
1. Discovery


TrueRoll scours 1,000+ real-time data sources, and returns a prioritized lists of infractions

2. Decision


A single dashboard with data from your internal systems, along with curated external data allows analysts to readily validate what the service uncovers.

3. Action


Governments can then reconcile exemption errors, keeping tax rolls up-to-date, and uncovering significant new revenue.

An Approach That Suits Your Government's Needs

Proactive Monitoring is Better:

An outsourced homestead audit every 3-6 years is costly, upsets citizens, and can be politically detrimental when thousands of citizens get tax collection letters at the same time.

Gradient Box
Tax Roll Accuracy and the Audit Cycle
TrueRoll Tax Roll Accuracy
Cycles of Increasing Loss and Inequity
Dynamic Updates

Batch homestead audits that occur every few years, simply don’t mesh with the reality of property ownership: People move, get married, pass away, and live-in homes become rentals, in real time. Waiting for the next audit to catch these changes leads to missed revenue and the potential for surprise bills for citizens.


Every jurisdiction is unique, thus the approach to managing an accurate exemption roll requires jurisdiction-specific data and eligibility rules.  TrueRoll does not outsource this work to big-box data providers, which means we can accommodate your individual needs.


Tax rolls are all we do. TrueRoll is the only company with exclusive focus on getting tax data right. This enables us to understand our customers challenges with great specificity, and we would not have it any other way.

Empowering governments and citizens across the country, including:

Work That Matters
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