Formerly the Exemption Project
About TrueRoll
A revolutionary approach to homestead exemption audits
About TrueRoll
A revolutionary approach to homestead exemption audits
About TrueRoll
A revolutionary approach to homestead exemption audits
Meet Our Customers
TrueRoll™ is the only homestead analysis solution built specifically to make assessors’ and auditors’ jobs easier. Get inspired by our customers and see how they use TrueRoll to proactively maintain accurate property tax rolls.
Click Here for a sample list of counties by state.
Ascension Assessor Looking at Returns of Over $1M for Cities, Schools, and Safety
By the end of this year, it is projected that Ascension Parish taxing bodies will receive over $1M in tax revenue that would’ve otherwise gone uncollected from the affected parcels who were unfairly receiving the homestead discount.
Data-Driven Outreach Results in 100+ Exemptions
For St. Johns Residents
TrueRoll helped St. Johns County identify and reach out to 1,900 homeowners who could be eligible for a property tax exemption. As a result, the county has granted 100+ exemptions to residents who had not known they were entitled to the benefit.
Clay County Completes Homestead Exemption Audit
Clay County used TrueRoll to identify and file 190 tax liens, resulting in more than $55 million in taxable value and $1.4 million in potential tax revenue. To date, 117 tax liens (61.57%) have been satisfied, equating to more than $750,000 in property taxes recovered.